How to Store Board Games – The 6 Best Ideas!

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So you have a large collection of board games? Constantly losing pieces? Feel like you are playing Tetris when you have to put all the boxed away at the end of the night?

You are not alone. If you are anything like me, your collection of board games is an ever-growing hobby. Storage space, on the other hand, is forever shrinking!   

Recently I have been researching a few ideas on the best ideas of how to store board games. There are two ways to store board games and both offer different advantages and disadvantages.

  • Board games stored on display – used to store board games in aesthetically pleasing ways. It shows off the artwork of the board games and allows you to easily find what you are looking for. Typically these methods take up more space.
  • Board games stored to save space – used to store board games in a way that takes up the least amount of space without damaging the games.

Below is a list of the 10 best ideas I have found for both of these types of storage methods.

The 10 Best Board Game Storage Ideas

  • Stacked vertically like books on a bookcase
  • Stacked inside a hideaway drawer
  • Use a pot lid rack for long boxes
  • Use a board game carrying case
  • Boxthrone Display Shelving
  • Get rid of the box altogether

Stacked Vertically Like Books On a Bookcase

Storing board games by vertically stacking them on a shelf or bookcase is probably THE BEST way to save space when storing board games.

By stacking the boxes vertically you are able to fit so many more games onto the shelf. This saves plenty of space because the boardgames are concentrated in a smaller area.

If you are anything like me you will have multiple shelves dedicated purely to storing board games.

Stacking boxes vertically also allows you to easily find games when you next want to play them.

By vertically stacking them on a bookshelf you are essentially creating a board game library (get it?).

All games are organized so that the name of the game prominent on the side of the box that you can easily read and skim through to find the particular one you are after.

This is a perfect solution to store modern day board games. Generally, the standard box shape for modern-day games is square meaning you won’t have the dreaded ‘box that sticks out’ causing a tripping hazard – or just a general eyesore.

Shelving units and bookshelves are generally more accessible than closets also as they are shorter – no need to find the stepladder!

Stacked Inside a Hideaway Drawer

If you have a collection of board games that you do not need constant access to. A perfect idea is to store them in a drawer that is hidden away somewhere in the garage, spare room or elsewhere in the house.

Most people I know (myself included) have at least one drawer if not a set of drawers that is empty.

Simply stacking the board games inside this drawer or drawers for safekeeping will keep your board games out of your closet and keep them out of sight. Making your house look less cluttered.

If you do not have a spare drawer, there are plenty of options these days with most furniture coming with a dual purpose.

For example, you can get TV tables or benchtops that double as drawers/chests for storing things…. Like board games!

Use a Pot Lid Rack for Long Boxes!

Older games like monopoly, clue, and risk generally come with very long boxes that have a board that is bi- or tri-fold.

These games are a giant pain to store away as generally, they will overhang a shelving unit or simply not fit into a drawer.

I managed to find a really creative solution. Pot lid racks!

Using a pot lid rack allows you to stack these games vertically on an angle. Sure you can’t compact them as much as if they were square but this is a brilliant way to store awkwardly shaped board game boxes!

Use a Board Game Carry Case

Using a board game carry case is common for transporting board games to game nights, during travel or to bars and cafes. They are large purpose-built cases that are water-resistant and can store a decent amount of games in them.

They are also perfect to store board games in when not in use. If you only have a handful of board games that you currently play, or take on vacation. Then a carry case is a perfect storage solution.

Not only will the case keep all your board games in one place – but it is easily transportable and will also keep them safe.

Boxthrone Display Shelving

Modern-day board games have some insanely good looking artwork. They are incredible to look at. So good in fact – that it would be a crime to simply store these board games out of site.

This is where the Boxthrone Display shelving units come in.

I only recently found out these existed and I am incredibly excited to get my hands on one.

The units are purpose-built for board games. They are customizable in that they can be extended to be as big as your game collection becomes.

The best part is they are also very compact – you can fit a lot of board games on these units and you do not have to worry about the boxes being crushed.

With the shelving units themselves, you can also purchase a range of accessories that allows you to ‘show off’ the best looking games you have.

The complete units also come with extra-wide shelving units for those boxes that are a bit oddly shaped.

Click here to learn more.

Get Rid of the Box Altogether

If you have board games that have a box that is just too big and awkward to store – or if they are games like Monopoly, Clue, etc that are a dime a dozen.

The ultimate space-saving storage would just be to ditch the box completely.

These games will easily fit into a storage container with zip lock bags to hold the different pieces.

This is how most board games at my elementary school were stored – it’s great for organization and saving space!

Final Thoughts

Above are what I believe to be the best ways on how to store your board games.

My current way of storing my board game collection is a few shelving units and drawers.

However, I have purchased a game carry case and will be saving up to get a Boxthrone Display Shelving unit as they look way too good to pass up!

Let me know in the comments below if you have other storeage methods and make sure to check out our other board game articles!

One Response

  1. Thank you for sharing these methods of how to store board games. Our family loves to play, but seeing them all over the house spilling off of shelves and hidden under beds is driving me crazy!

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